Friday, 22 October 2010

Natural Hair Gathering event tomorrow!!!

The Bay Area Natural Hair Gathering event is tomorrow everyone!!  If your in the area, stop by and meet other naturals in your area.  Here is a reminder notice I received from the event host, Cassidy:

"Just a friendly reminder that the ROCK YOUR NATURAL event is going down in Oakland tomorrow from 2-5pm at Levende East (827 Washington @ 9th).  We'll be having a product swap, nibbles, and hair goodies for all! 

Yes, I know it is raining and still might be tomorrow, but you and I BOTH know that part of the reason its great to have natural hair is because a little bit of precipitation never hurt any natural.  :) Don't let the rain deter you--- come on out tomorrow!  Here's the top ten reasons you should come on out :)

Today is the last day to pay in advance with PayPal (send $12 payment to otherwise its $15 at the door! 

See you all manana! 



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