Friday, 28 January 2011

Vinegar for damaged hair Care

Believe it or not, the vinegar is very effective for treating dry damaged hair. Because the vinegar works to control dandruff and frizziness there are a number of options helps to make the damaged hair care at home with vinegar. Let's check mate.

1. Vinegar is useful as a conditioner. Simply apply one tablespoon of vinegar to your rinse hair.
2. Rub pure vinegar into your scalp several times a week before shampooing.
3. You can also use vinegar for damaged hair care at home by placing a combination of water and 1 / 4 cup balsamic vinegar into a spray bottle. Only apply it to your hair before you shampoo.

There are several other ways to make damaged hair care at home. Explore this site to find more tips for damaged hair that will help you restore and maintain your hair natural body and shine.


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