Sunday 20 February 2011

The Asian Beauty Secret They Don't Want You to Know

The Asian Beauty Secret They Don't Want You to Know. Everywhere you look in today's media driven society you see images of beautiful people wearing beautiful clothes and driving fast cars with other beautiful people. It is the lifestyle obsession that is forced down our throats each and every day when we open a magazine, turn on the television or even when we take a walk through a shopping mall. It is simply everywhere and for that very fact it is very important to have regard to the latest Asian beauty trends if you are an Asian boy or girl who wants to appear attractive in the eyes of others.Yes, this is very superficial. But unfortunately society has conditioned us all to be superficial and therefore it has more or less become the environment in which we are forced to compete in if we want to attract the attention and ultimately connect with the person we desire.There are countless Asian beauty tips and secrets floating around the internet and I am sure that a lot of them are of sufficient merit to incorporate into your beauty regime. But there is one secret that fails to receive mention in a lot of Asian beauty publications yet it is probably one of the most important beauty tips for Asian people in particular.We've all experienced getting ready for a big night out on the town with your friends. Of course you want to look your best, you're about to go to a bar or club where other people are going to be looking their best and socializing in what is undoubtedly a very competitive environment. If you happen to meet a cute guy/girl that you are interested in the last thing you want is for another girl/guy to some along a steal their attention from you. Trust me, it happens all the time, and whilst your physical appearance is far from the only important thing you need to worry about, it definitely helps.I'm sure we also all love the feeling when we're all ready to go out and we look absolutely hot - one look in the mirror before you leave, a wink to yourself, and then you're off to have a night of fun and craziness. Where am I going with this? What is the number one Asian Beauty Secret? I will tell you in a second, but first I must set the scene.So you're out at a club and a cute guy/girl has been looking at you for the past hour or so. You try to play it cool so that you don't come across as being too interested so you decide to move to the dance floor for a bit of a boogie. Five minutes later you glance in the direction of where he/she was standing but they're now gone! "Damn!" you think to yourself as to turn back to your new super hip dance moves that you think are really good but in actual fact make you look a bit silly - only joking:) - and while you are mid dance you feel a hand on your arm trying to get your attention. You turn around and wallah! Today is your lucky day as the guy/girl leans over gently, places their lips only centimeters from your ear and whispers "can I get you a drink?" - "Yes of course" you reply, not wanted to be rude.Wow! "Could things get any better?" you think to yourself before you are struck by a realization that sends a wave of fear through your body...."Oh NO!" - I have Asian Glow! My face is going to turn an unflattering red color when I drink that drink! But I want to drink with them and have a good time, and connect in a way that is sometimes only possible when you are on the same wavelength as the other person. So you decide to have a few sips in the hope that your face doesn't turn ted.30 minutes later...Your face is starting to heat up, your eyes are becoming more and more bloodshot, your face is starting to swell and turn a very unflattering red color. Oh my gosh - how embarrassing. Trust me on this, Asian to Asian, this is SO unattractive and you really should do something about it.So the number one Asian beauty secret is, Solve your Asian Glow problem! It is just too annoying when you spend hours making yourself look attractive and to have it swiftly spoiled as soon as you start drinking alcohol. Plus, being able to drink alcohol freely and without worry about your Asian Glow is important if you want to connect with someone who is drinking alcohol... its simple state based psychology.This unflattering disorder is called Asian Glow and refers to an enzyme deficiency that prevent the body from breaking down some specific byproducts of the alcohol metabolism process. These are unfortunately toxic, and as a result, you sometimes experience a variety of toxic reactions mentioned above.It is commonly accepted that there is no permanent cure for the enzyme deficiency. That said, many Asian Glow sufferers have sought other methods to counter the side effects of Asian Glow.How do we fix this Asian beauty problem?You will be happy to hear that you don't need to be put up with being less attractive when you drink alcohol. There are tried and tested solutions available that come with money back guarantees. If you are an Asian that is cursed by the flush, you are crazy not to at least give a cure a try.


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