Sunday, 27 February 2011

How to Keep Hair Straight

How to Keep Hair Straight - People with naturally curly hair often straighten it via a variety of different means. While chemical straightening treatments permanently straighten treated hair, most other straightening processes are temporary. If you straighten your hair with a blow dryer and straightening iron, it will curl back up once the hair gets wet. Various environmental factors such as humidity and fog can keep hair from remaining straight. If you have straightened your curly hair, there are a few things you can do to keep it straight.

Things You'll Need:

  • Straightening shampoo
  • Straightening conditioner
  • Straightening iron
  • Silicone-based pomade or serum
  • Hairspray
  • Grated coconut
  • Lime juice


Keep your hair long. Shorter hairstyles tend to curl up more quickly. The added weight of longer hair can keep it straighter longer.

  • Use straightening shampoo and conditioner. Most major lines make shampoos and conditioners that are designed to help straighten hair. They contain extra ingredients which coat the hair, helping to keep it straight.

  • Invest in a high-quality straightening iron. Cheap irons often do not emit enough heat to completely penetrate the hair shaft. Professional-level straightening irons release more concentrated heat, allowing for straighter hair. They are also intricately made from ceramic materials to prevent excessive damage to the hair despite the high heat levels.

  • Apply a straightening serum or pomade that contains silicone to your hair. Use the product all over your hair, including at the roots. The straightening serum or pomade works to protect your hair from humidity and other environmental moisture which can affect your straightened hair.   

  • Mist both the underside and top of your hair with hairspray. Hairspray may make your hair a bit stiff but it will help to protect its straightness. 

  •   Try a home remedy to keep hair straight. Mix equal parts fresh, grated coconut and lime juice. Massage the mixture into your hair and let it sit for approximately 20 minutes. Rinse the mixture out and straighten your hair as you normally would. The coconut and lime concoction will coat hair shafts, resulting in straighter hair.

  •  Source :

    How to Keep Hair Straight


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