Sunday 22 May 2011

arnold schwarzenegger nowadays

arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • iRobby
    Apr 25, 04:01 PM
    I wasn't expecting the iMac refresh so quick. I thought it would be after the Mac OS X Lion refresh. i been saving for my first iMac but not there yet so I'll have to still wait. Perhaps I'll wait till Mac OS X Lion is pre installed in late summer. That is if I can wait that long lol

    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • AlligatorBloodz
    Apr 21, 11:03 PM
    Samsung spends all the money they make from Apple suing them.

    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • ball4lyfe
    Apr 29, 02:15 AM
    If it is true, it gives me enough excuse to not shell out $$$ to switch from the black to the white. :D

    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • arogge
    Jun 6, 02:17 AM
    This is like the risk of using the 1-Click Ordering feature at


    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • kuwisdelu
    Apr 28, 04:29 PM
    This is pretty cool, since it means we can measure how thick color is.

    As far as light goes, where black is the absence of all color, white is the presence of all colors.

    Clearly, this means all those extra colors in white are making the phone thicker.

    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • lordonuthin
    Nov 2, 06:14 PM
    We got them!
    Well, we may pass each other back and forth a few times before we can really pull away...
    Next target: 2.3 weeks away! Keep Folding!

    And a little pat in the back as I just took the #8 spot on the team. Watch out this week #7! After it gets more tricky and WhiteRabbit is coming behind faaaaast...

    was' up Doc! Yeah, looks like we will do musical chairs with Lithuania again maybe, he he, hope they are up to it :D

    You know the story about the rabbit and the frog? Good, neither do I :p Oh, and pat on the back too.

    That dang i7 is going back to normal units until I can figure out why it is so sloooooow... like a tortise...


    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • rovex
    Apr 28, 04:41 PM
    Of course, another possibility is that the black iPhone has become thinner due to abrasion from everyday use. :p

    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • xStep
    Apr 11, 08:31 PM
    I've been in a "water" mood lately...

    Like the photo.

    I also smiled after checking out your location.


    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • Schtumple
    Jun 7, 11:05 AM
    OMG!!!!!!!!!!! My brother actually did this!!!!!!! This article is about my brother!!!!!!!!!!!! NO JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, he is 10 not 11

    Pics or it didn't happen...

    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • spillproof
    Sep 30, 01:10 AM
    I never knew people were experiencing this many dropped calls. I guess I don't make calls enough to experience all the fail. AT&T is the only phone company I've had, so I don't know any different. If Verizon did get the iPhone, I'm sure their network would struggle a bit too.


    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • NathanMuir
    May 1, 11:27 PM
    Rather ironic Bush gave his 'Mission Accomplished' speech eight years ago yesterday.

    Lee, I agree; major boost for his reelection campaign.

    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 23, 06:37 PM
    The Verizon iPhone's radio actually supports the AWS 3G bands. This phone could be as simple as a Verizon iPhone with SIM and custom firmware. It's also possible the antenna bands are different too. Still, the radio wouldn't have to be something not in a shipping apple iPhone.


    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • SMM
    Dec 3, 02:43 PM
    Judging by the progression in the poll numbers, looks like FUD is gaining traction.

    Does that surprise you, or is it just a comment? Right now, MS is in the highest stakes game it has been in for many year, maybe ever.

    The mighty giant has been pantsed. The cut-throat business practices of the past are not only well-known, but are also being scrutinized.

    MS does not have the best PC OS/Desktop and that is now a known fact by many.

    The business community, long a MS stronghold, has grown weary of paying predatory licensing fees for MS backoffice and the desktop. MS does not want to give this up. They want to keep their stranglehold on this market. Purchasing managers are taking a hard look at alternatives, like Apple. much is riding on Vista. it absolutely has to succeed for them. If after five years, with all of its' vast resources, Vista cannot beat OSX, Redmond's reputation, and credibility, is going to suffer badly. The floodgates may open. The wildcard is Leopard.

    MS could not delay Vista any longer. But, Redmond knows Apple has the last play. Steve just has to love the position he is in. MS has to play their hand and he can come in and trump it at will. At most, Vista could draw Windows even with Tiger, although most thing this is fanciful thinking on their part. MS is definitely scared by what is coming next (and when).

    So, we are going to see even more of this message board trolling and FUD. There are many obvious 'newbie' troll posts. But, I am also seeing some 'moles' trolling too. Some of them showed up many months ago and are now regulars. What they are doing is providing newbie support.

    The newbie comes on with a troll post, and bam, he gets a regular, or two to give legitimacy to the disinformation. The thread is off and running. Another tactic I notice is the thread subject troll. The subject line is written to be very negative, but then the first post is very much toned down, sometimes even apologetic, "Sorry for venting, I know this is rare...", that type of stuff. The damage is done and no one is aware it was a disinformation attack.

    The stakes are high and MS has been found guilty in court of doing the things I am describing. This is not the ranting of a paranoid. I happen to know a considerable amount about disinformation and the tactics involved. With a little work, you can see the same things. Look at the post history for those making anti-Apple posts. The critical eye can discern the inconsistencies in what they write.

    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Balli
    Jul 24, 03:18 PM
    I voted negative on this story. As I was hoping that Apple would concentrate on fixing the sticking scrollbars on the current Mighty Mouses, (or make it easier to open them and clean) before they just made it wireless.

    Also, I'n not a big fan of using batteries in mice. Why not have a wireless mouse that is re-chargable? Or one that you can use wires with if the battery gets low?


    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • ericinboston
    Apr 28, 12:57 PM
    Not surprising the iPhone 3GS was #2.

    Not surprising...because it sells for $49?

    If I were in the market for a smartphone and could choose a $49 iPhone 3GS vs. a $199+ iPhone 4 vs. a $199+ Android...I would very very seriously consider the 3GS since it is AT LEAST 4x cheaper...and in reality, does 99% of the iPhone 4 (I have the 3GS and as far as I can tell the 4 simply added Facetime and a front camera for facetime use).

    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • toughboy
    Oct 24, 07:33 PM
    Ok its good to know this.. I'll download the Ultimate version of Vista then, not the Home Sweet Home version :D:D:D

    F. U. Microsoft.. never gonna take any penny of mine again.. You suck and you always will..


    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 11, 02:42 PM
    I've seen what TB can do and it's great. But what I'm saying is that it will be HARD for TB to step into a USB-dominated computer industry and just kill USB altogether from all angles. Will TB be faster than USB 3.0? real world use by 90% of the consumers/prosumers out there? Maybe. Maybe not. It's like asking Bluray to come in and just dominate the DVD's been trying and 3+ years BluRay is doing well, but the average Joe understands he needs to re-purchase all this movies as well as purchase a hi-def tv and stereo receiver to take advantage of all the features of Bluray (I love Bluray, by the way). It's time, money, and not everyone sees the value or HAS A NEED for that value.

    Will people throw out all their USB devices and twiddle their thumbs waiting for TB devices other than hard drives (cameras, printers, video cams, keyboards, mice, flash keys,)? No. Of course not.

    Speed vs. Speed is 1 argument...versatility is another. But again, what I'm really saying is to look around you and ask yourself if the world is just going to dump USB technology for TB? Nope. TB will likely coincide with USB 3.0 just like eSATA and Firewire.

    We'll see in a few years where we are.

    My issue with USB has always been that it goes through the CPU. At the speeds of USB 3.0, this could really bite performance.

    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • chanerz
    Sep 17, 01:20 PM
    gt5 ftw!!!!

    arnold schwarzenegger nowadays. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • coder12
    Nov 13, 12:14 AM
    I think that the article meant to say, "SkyFire's", not "SkyFires" in the middle paragraph :P

    Just sayin' :)

    Artful Dodger
    Apr 6, 07:34 PM
    A bunch of great looking photos and very good work this month from everyone!
    Here's hoping that the weather gets better to get a few in here myself :)

    Apr 22, 07:39 PM
    Somebody must have thumbed them back up. They were all at -1 except the one from aggie.

    That's suspicious... ;)

    Aug 15, 07:32 PM
    C'mon, Opera has had the ability to save the open tabs for, what, 5-6 years? Safari is really so broken that they have to prompt to close the tabs instead of just saving the state so it can be brought back up next time it's launched?

    Jun 6, 01:31 AM
    How long after you make a purchase does the App Store remember your password so you don't have to enter it again? I presume that's what happened in this case.

    I know there's a "don't prompt me next time" box that pops up in the itunes settings on OS X.
    On my iPhone it seems I always have to enter my password for every download - there has to be a setting for that somewhere.

    Apr 15, 03:25 PM
    Apple is just stupid right? News flash for you - if they wanted to do patching instead of replacing files they would be doing it.

    Don't forget that Google's OS is little more than a web page.


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